EVE Online: Galatea Released
Posted: 8/25/2015 9:24:24 AM
By: WebPimp

EVE Online, ever the awesome that it is, has released their next free update for the game entitled Galatea. This update features improvements on everything in the game with most of it, at least in my eyes, being visual. Everyone loves looking at new eye candy. Designer SKINs are starting to make their way into the game along with a long awaited redsign of the Gallente Dominix. Titan's have had their Doomsday weapon animatins updated along with a few dozen other in space weapon effects that include the Warp Scrambler, Salvager, and Tractor Beam. Also, with community feedback, the fine tuning of the mechanics of sovereignty has been updated with some specific improvements like:

There are a lot more updates to read about which can be found by following this link: http://community.eveonline.com/news/patch-notes/patch-notes-for-galatea